Why Us?
The selection of a martial arts school has always been and will probably always be a very confusing process for a variety of reasons. Potential students often settle for the closest, the cheapest, the most expensive, or one referred by a friend of a friend, etc. This could be a very frustrating experience. You should make every effort to find a school within a reasonable distance from your residence that you sincerely believe will have a profound effect on your life. The Way of the Dragon is significantly different from all of the other schools in the surrounding area. Listed below are some of the distinct reasons you might consider taking a look at us.
1) Martial arts schools have a history of opening and closing at an alarming rate. Our organization has stood the test of time as it is celebrating its 38th year in business. Only a few schools in the USA can claim this degree of longevity.
2) There is no regulation of the martial arts in the state of South Carolina. Basically ANYONE can own and operate a martial arts school and THEY DO. Our school is highly vested in tradition and authenticity. We received a Ryu-Ha licensure from Shidokan International, a karate and kobudo training and research federation, that acts as a watchdog over its members to insure that they adhere to the highest standards of instruction as established by the Japanese Ministry of Education.
3) We offer family oriented, fun, friendly and structured training. Your safety and satisfaction is our #1 priority.
4) We offer traditional martial arts instruction as it has been taught by the masters for many years in Japan and Okinawa. We do not censure the art, but we are not promoters of what is known as MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) or cage fighting. We provide training in a stable environment, where your biggest competitor is yourself.
5) The Way of the Dragon has a premier staff with many years of teaching experience which cannot be bought. It has to be lived.
6) Teaching – We are a traditional school with our roots a short distance from the founders. In short, we are not in it for the income; We are in it for the outcome.
Please contact us to set up an appointment for a free, no obligation, introductory class.
Phone or text: (603) 434-2674
Email: wayofthedragonkarate@gmail.com
Web Page: www.wayofthedragon.net
The Way of the Dragon Traditional Martial Arts
Building Tomorrow’s Leaders Today!
1605 Locust Hill R
Greer, SC 29651