10 Benefits
1) Develop Self-Confidence – Self-confidence is they key that opens the gates on the
road to success. A confident person doesn’t know the meaning of the word “can’t”.
2) Develop Self-Discipline – Self-discipline enables the martial artist to stay focused
on their objectives in life. Armed with self-confidence and self-discipline, a martial
artist can accomplish “anything”.
3) Acquire Self-Defense skills – The chances of you or your child encountering a
physical confrontation in this world are quite high unfortunately. If or when that
happens, the martial artist has developed effective self-defense skills to deal with
these type situations appropriately should avoidance be impossible. Bullying has
reached epidemic levels in our school systems. This incessant behavior can have
debilitating effects on its victims. Bullies usually steer clear of our students who
advocate non-violent conflict resolution whenever possible.
4) Develop Self-Respect and Self-Esteem – Training in our school will better you
holistically by enhancing you mentally, physically and emotionally. You will radiate
with pride.
5) Attain Physical Fitness – Our students of all ages, male and female, learn an art
form while dramatically improving their state of physical fitness in an energy
packed environment unlike the boredom of the gym.
6) Develop Self-Control and Self-Restraint – Our students are in control of their
emotions. They are able to handle stressful situations in a mature, rational manner.
Family relationships are enhanced as family members spend quality time together
while training in a clean, safe, healthy and happy environment.
7) Personal Development – Our students are very technically oriented and pay
attention to the smallest details, which are sometimes critically important to improve
performance academically and professionally.
8) Correct a child’s behavioral issues – Our students train in a disciplined,
structured, yet fun, environment. Instructors are in complete control of their classes
and inspire the students to strive fore the perfection of self and moral dignity. Our
public schools often fail to address these critically important subjects.
9) Acquire new friends – You will develop a strong bond with the martial artists in
the Dojo. You will enjoy healthy relationships while working hard and having fun.
Your child will not fall victim to unhealthy peer pressures, alcoholism or drug
addiction so prevalent in today’s society.
10) Cure your curiosity – The first step is the most difficult. All one has to do is
walk through the door. In a matter of minutes, your inhibitions and fears of this
foreign subject will be eliminated and we will walk with you and guide you every
step on the way to “your Black Belt”!